Bring the Veteran Advantage to your Workplace Program

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Bring the Veteran Advantage to your Workplace

Precision | Discipline | Commitment

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The FloridaMakes Network has partnered with Orion Talent  to provide Florida manufacturers the opportunity to connect and hire "at no cost" transitioning servicemembers through DOD's SkillBridge Program. Through Orion's HireSkills solutions participants are trained prior to transitioning, establishing a skilled pipeline of workers to close the manufacturing talent gap.

Program Highlights:

Under the Department of Defense's SkillBridge program, Orion Talent will help servicemembers to transition to manufacturing careers with Florida manufacturers. Orion Talent’s HireSkills program combines industry certification training and transition assistance to help make a smooth leap to great careers in manufacturing. With HireSkills, candidates remain in the military throughout the credentialing and job preparation process, and can be interviewed and provided a job offer at any time.

On their separation from service, participants earn an industry recognized credential, the Certified Manufacturing Associate (CMfgA) or the Certified Production Technician (CPT), and transition to employment to continue training in one of  two registered apprenticeship occupations:

Employers identify priority areas and skills gaps to choose related technical training on multiple categories:

Foundational | Machining | Maintenance | Welding | Additive Manufacturing Stamping/Forming/Fabricating |Composites | Processing | Assembly/Final Stage Processes Design & Engineering|Leadership

To learn more about the program from the 

Orion Talent Team, watch this video!



Leadership Skills & Team Players

Veterans often have unparalleled leadership experience. They're trained to lead by example and through direction, delegation, motivation, and inspiration, even in the most challenging situations.  Military training focuses heavily on teamwork and achieving objectives collectively. Veterans understand how genuine teamwork grows out of a responsibility to one's colleagues and how diverse groups can come together to achieve common goals.

Security Clearances and Tax Benefits

Many veterans already have security clearances required for some government and contractor positions, saving time and money for their employers. Employers can benefit from tax incentives for hiring veterans, especially those with service-connected disabilities, through programs like the Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC).

Problem Solving & Adaptability

Veterans are trained to assess situations quickly, consider various solutions, and decide the best course of action. This ability is invaluable in a fast-paced business environment where quick and efficient problem-solving is essential. Military personnel are accustomed to rapidly adapting to changing conditions, technologies, and situations. They're often quick learners who can step into various roles as needed.

Manufacturer Sponsor:
Gold Business Partners: